Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It Will Come Out Right

Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows… Isa 53:4

Come with me. I know what to do with that grief. Put it into a basket and hold it out in front; we are walking up the steps to Jesus’ throne. As those radiant eyes look at what you brought Him, they burn with sympathy and understanding. A tear plots its course down His cheek. His silence is profound. His hand next to yours, you share sorrow over what lies in the basket.

The golden voice reaches out, “I can carry this basket with you but I cannot take it away just yet.” His eyes drift to some vision unseen by us. “I can foresee the outcome of this. As you trust Me, the venom of this tragedy will not touch you. So trust Me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” (Jhn 16:33).

The next best thing to having no troubles is being sure they won’t hurt us. We have to endure for now. We may lose worldly wealth, health, and prestige but none of these is the real person anyway. The true you, your soul, will flourish. The waters will not sweep over your spirit, the flames will not set your heart ablaze. You and I will be protected. It will come out right.

Who is it that makes these great assurances? It is Jesus, by and for whom all things were created. It is Jesus, the One given all authority in heaven and earth. It is Jesus who, since the day you gave your life to Him, has not stopped watching over you. Listen to Him breathe words of comfort right now, “My hand is on our basket. It will come out right.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, whisper peace and confidence into desperate ears.