Thursday, November 12, 2009

India Report #1

I am happy to report that phase one of my trip in southeastern India is paying off. Although, it did not start out well.

I am here to research for a new novel. With my prior novel, the storyline fell into place as the research progressed. With this book, called Mother India, I was getting more and more confused. No central story seemed to materialize; only disjointed testimonies from the villagers I recorded onto hours of tape.

Finally on the fourth day after much prayer, the Lord lifted the haze. I now have my creative direction and general plotline based on factual events. I am excited to begin writing towards the end of this year.

As I go about the interviewing process I cannot ignore opportunities for ministry along the way. Thus, I have had been demonstrating gospel magic at schools, encouraging small groups, and writing ministry promotional scripts.

We passed by the city dump with mountains of garbage, 50 feet deep. I spotted people picking through the rotting, smelly, fly-infested mounds. We walked out to them and noticed their huts built on top of the garbage.

A family of five was sorting through freshly dumped bags from the hospital. One man was eating leftover rice from a trash bag. I watched as another man with leprous fingers plowed through blood-filled IV tubes, soaked gauze pads, and needles to salvage hypodermic plungers. They were recycling plastic. A good day’s work will bring them 15 Rupees or 30 cents US each. Tough way to make a living.

As I spoke to them through my interpreter named Job, it came out that they were all born-again Christians. When they learned that I was also, they stopped all work and their eyes sparkled as I reminded them that in paradise they would have huge rewards for remaining faithful during their suffering on earth.

“You have brought us the word of God today,” the father told me.

With beaming smiles they thanked us profusely for talking to them.

I take so many of my own blessings for granted. They were just grateful that a comparatively rich Christian would stop to talk to them. Wow.

The monsoons are in full swing and everything is soaked, or under water. Many of the village roads disappear into the swirling runoff. Our rooms have been leaking until we could almost hold baptisms inside. The upside is the temperature is very comfortable.

Thanks for your prayers. They are having a strong effect. God is speaking, lives are touched, and food is staying where it is supposed to.

More soon…
