Monday, December 12, 2005

Holy Passion

Who is this coming up from the desert
like a column of smoke,
perfumed with myrrh and incense
made from all the spices of the merchant? Song 3:6

Life under Adam’s curse grows wearisome. Even as a born again, Spirit-filled believer I sometimes feel pinched down. There is much the Christian must attend: honor God, love others, cling to grace, remain humble, maintain purity, practice discipline, avoid excesses, yada, yada, yada. It is all rather like firing round after round through the barrel of a gun. Every shot must be powerful and on target, but each one leaves a microscopic residue inside the bore. Eventually the whole rifle must be dismantled and cleaned back to gleaming perfection. Failure in this maintenance causes jams, poor aim, and misfires.

The thing that dismantles and cleans me is passion. Not all the time, not everyday, but occasionally my inner being needs to be taken apart and wiped down with ecstasy over Jesus. I have to experience Him as more than an historical entity. I need to freeze in my tracks and gasp at the sight of Him thundering across the desert to my rescue, eyes enflamed with zeal, smiting enemies on every side, stunningly handsome, and smelling of a jungle of Hawaiian-ginger. This is my Jesus, the champion of my soul, as fierce upon His enemies as he is joyful over my love.

It is good from time to time to remember whom I serve. There is a rhythm to life and at the bottom of each cycle I must be cleaned and remade by the passion of my faith. It puts me back into service, ready to fire exacting shots at purity, discipline, and service. A soldier driven by passion and filled by the Spirit is an unstoppable army unto himself. He is like his own passionate King.

Prayer: Jesus, my King and my Savior, I am in rapt in awe of You.