Bolg, blog,
Clear the fog;
Why the heck,
Do I blog?
This introductory article answers that question and helps you decide if my site is worth reading. First, a brief history.
Blogging History
In the early 90’s, as the internet toddled about, folks began sharing their opinion-toys. They posted thoughts on some subject and anyone interested picked them up, added their musings, and passed them on to other playmates. In 1997, this adolescent was first called Web Logging. In the late 90’s, dialogue through posted messages blossomed out of puberty and became Blogging. Now enjoying its adult years, there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers from all around the World.
Typical Blogs
What do bloggers blog? Mostly it is the trashy dribble of idle minds. I’m sorry if that is offensive but really, who wants to read about political dissatisfaction, self proclaimed sexual prowess, or the daily struggles of building a house? Reading random blogs is like flipping through TV channels when there is nothing on—boring and worse than the silence. So why do so many blog? Because we believe it brings some form of significance to an otherwise insignificant life. Blogging is a way to have the opinions, perspectives, and minutia of one’s life published where others can read it. If people want to read about me, my life must be important— or so the subconscious logic goes. Please read on because real significance is closer than our fingerprints.
Something Worthwhile
There are plenty of witty, challenging, intelligent bloggers already at large. We don’t need another. What we do need, and what I humbly offer, is a mirror to THE Great Wit, THE great expounder, THE Great Blogger—the only One worth listening to—namely Jesus Christ.
I hereby publicly commit every blog I write to reflect the light of Jesus, mirrored off my heart and into cyberspace where you are free to receive it as true significance or not.
Blessings from Him alone Who is able to give them, even Jesus the Lord of the Universe.
Forgiven Scumball