Thank you for helping in Albania through your prayers. Once again the Lord has done amazing things. Grady—an Oregonian whom I met in India—and I were the only foreigners on a team of about 40 Albanians. We were working with Campus Crusade for Christ in a discipleship camp targeted at college age students. Our daily routine for the three weeks we were in the coastal city of Durres was classes in the mornings, evangelism on the beaches in the afternoons, and praise sessions mixed with traditional dancing (picture below) and fun times in the evenings. About eight first time decisions were made at the beach and students dramatically enriched their walk with God.

Above are some of our Albanian team members: Bottom row: Lorana, Eddy, Aronjni, Tony, Gentie- Top: Zona, Ella, Delia, Neta, Don, Erma, Alma, Basie, baby Veronica, Gentie, Mirela
In this picture Tony had just broken his foot during a soccer game and spent the rest of our trip in a cast.
As you can see the beach was ridiculously crowded, mostly with Kosovars on holiday. Several were led to the Lord including these two girls sitting on either side of Monica who was used for the harvest:
I was able to preach/teach six times including three times last Sunday that included a church of all woman and children meeting in a widow's home. Men are culturally not allowed into a widow's home and so none could attend this lady's house congregation.
Sleeping quarters were a little cramped but it helped us really bond. We slept like hamsters; when one stirred all the rest shifted a little and went back to sleep:
Here is Grady suffering for Christ during beach evangelism with an interesting choice of candidates. This girl rejected his offer of Christ so according to Matt 10:14 he shook the sand from his sandals and went swimming.
Below is a picture of Amre who often translated for Grady and me. I was able to counsel with her about moving past a deep pain caused by an American boyfriend. He heedlessly said intimate things that in Albanian culture equate to engagement. Her parents granted permission for the marriage. Because he was a seminary student in the States, Amre trusted her heart to him not realizing that in his mind he was still in an exploratory dating mode. Traditionally, Albanians do not date without intent to marry so when he called to say he was moving on to another girl, Amre was devastated.
Thank you all for your prayers, they have resulted in more brothers and sisters around the throne for eternity and more rewards to celebrate with our King. Thank you for your love and participation in the gospel.