Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? Rom 2:4
Our team was trekking through California on the way to express God's love by building a house for a poor family in Mexico. The caravan stopped in a parking lot near several fast-food restaurants and our leader began handing out $5 bills to each participant to spend on lunch. A woman coming out of a department store saw two dozen people scrambling to receive free cash. She assumed some wealthy stranger was giving away money so she jumped in line. As she reached the front it dawned on her what was really happening. Turning red she said, "Oh, I thought… um, you were giving away… sorry." With that she turned and walked toward her car as fast as her feet could carry her. The teens in our group snickered but not loud enough to further embarrass the humiliated woman.
Am I lining up in the parking lot to collect on forgiveness of sin through Christ without realizing that being a Christian involves something far more significant than escaping Hell? God does not merely want a lot of heathens in Heaven who collected on the substitutional sacrifice lottery. He wants to restore a pure bride for His Son, to intertwine with a holy people. Life in God is about so much more than asking Jesus to forgive. That is only the gateway into an epic journey of renewal, beautification, and adventure. Do I mean to snatch up any freebee God may be doling out and run from engagement of a Christ-like life?
I have so little to offer God. He gives me life and does all the work of salvation including revealing the truth of Jesus to my heart. He does not need my ministry effort or toil as repayment. The only thing I can do to prepare for the coming change of eras, indeed the noblest way to spend my days, is to demolish carnality then reconstruct in the Spirit. He took my void canvas and sketched the charcoal lines of a beautiful salvation sunrise. The least I can do is to hold still and allow Him the pleasure of painting in the vibrant colors of the sanctified life he has long desired.
Prayer: Lord, You have saved me, now change me.