In an effort to simplify, I sold my snazzy yellow truck and bought a bicycle. Afterwards, I prayed several times, “Shall I buy another car now; perhaps something basic for transportation?” The same answer from the Lord kept convicting me: “If you want to, sure go ahead. Or you can trust Me and receive the blessing of My provision.” Those are hard words on self-sufficient ears. For 30 years when I wanted to go somewhere I never depended on supernatural intervention, I jumped in my car and went.
It started with the biographies of Hudson Taylor and George Miller, two men who took God literally about the source of daily bread. So I launched my own experiment with transportation. Whenever there was a need, I brought it to Father. It was a thrill to watch Him provide and with bonus blessings to-boot. For example, an arranged ride left me waiting in front of the church. Just then, a family confrontation exploded around a dear friend and he fled randomly to the church. There I was, sitting on the curb. We prayed; he healed. With a car, I would have missed that divine appointment. Then my ride came and we got to our destination to find them behind schedule so we were right on time.
This afternoon I realized there is an important meeting tomorrow. Out came the usual doubt-filled prayer, “Well Lord, I guess this is Your sign I need to get wheels of my own so I’m not stuck like this. But if you can do something, please do.” Not ten minutes after the amen, I discovered a message from my wife: “If you need my car tomorrow, you can use it because I’m working from home.”
My experiment has resulted in either A) I do not really need the trip or, B) a means of transportation is available. Which all makes me wonder, what other areas of life have I missed seeing Father’s provision?
Prayer: Father, show me new ways I can trust You.