Every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old. Mat 13:52
The room was shaped like a slice of pie; the far end fanned-out wider than the entrance. There were practical chairs, tidy library shelves, and amiable huddles of people chatting. I selected a few books and settled by the fire. They were good literary works, plain but brilliantly true. Conversing with the occupants produced earnest straightforward dialogue. I soon tired of the repetitious topics and noticed a door at the rear.
Amazing. The exit led to an identical, but much larger room. The wedge-shaped space continued expanding from where the wide rear wall of the previous room left off. It was breathtaking. The fireplace and bookshelves were in the same place; however, the décor and furnishings were exquisite. The books contained delightful new discoveries stirred together with familiar facts from the previous room. The discussions buzzed with passion and focus. As stimulating as this room was, there was another door.
Incredible. Another room of the same expanding shape, yet so majestic the others fell out of memory. I could scarcely add anything to the animated talk. I wished I had studied longer in the prior rooms. The people were both wonderful and humble. My mind reeled: how many rooms were there and what could their splendor be like?
Such has been my adventure into the depths of the character of God. I began simply enough, but His beauty quickly outpaced my grasp. At each level, books and conversations have helped me grapple with His splendor around me. What could be more meaningful than penetrating new chambers to discover their glory? They are as exponential in their expansion as they are unending in their number.
Prayer: Oh God, I thrill at the prospects of what I might yet learn about You.