I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east.
His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory.
Ezek 43:2
I am facing the eastern sky. The interminable, confusing night is nearly over—not quite—but there are signs making hope dissolve into reality. A few stretched clouds are the first to respond. They redden as a bashful girl at her first compliment. Their passion is stirred by the clash between the cursed night and the joy of the day that is about to be. They are no longer clouds; they are visual incarnations of the wrestling between night and day. Paul says “we groan and are burdened” until “what is mortal may be swallowed up by life” (2 Cor 5:4). These blood-touched clouds are caught between groaning and singing. We groan as well. It awakens our voices for the coming singing.
I am facing the eastern sky. I am looking at a red so loud I’m left wondering what more God could say to assure the Son’s coming. Behind me the sky is black, people slumber, and evil prevails. Facing that way provides no indication of the unfolding miracle. So I set my eyes on the east. I am straining toward where the Son is expected; where the Lover of my soul will materialize. My heart-compass has long given this bearing. The arrow gets jostled around the directional points, but it always settles back to east. As I move, Christ seems to move and consummation of my joy eludes me into the horizon. So I stretch toward the promise He will soon become solid and I’ll reach Him. And here is this red, groaning sign.
I am facing the eastern sky. Logic tells me warmth from Sol’s amber beams will not be felt for a while, but it also says the crimson blossom at the bottom of the night means he is coming. God’s Spirit pining in me for our broken world is the red break in the night of my soul. It is my guarantee the Son is even now rising in the east with a thunderous voice like rushing waters and a brightness that will bathe the land radiant with His glory.
Prayer: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.