The moon will shine like the sun… when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted. Isa 30:26
Our moon is moody. One night she is a coy thumbnail-crescent wrapped in wispy clouds. Another she is full, naked, and brazen. She appears enticingly beautiful, but in reality our moon is nothing but a pocked clump of barren dust. She is a blight who, in her hidden new-moon phases, blocks any stars caught behind her. How can her splendor stop our heart at times while at others she is a black, sterile obstruction? The answer is in the sun. It is his glorious reflection that captivates us. Dull grey ugliness is transformed into crisp white radiance. For her part the moon has only to hold herself in the presence of the sun. Yet if she refuses, the sun’s brilliant rays slip unnoticed into the darkness of space.
God declares a lesson with our moon. We are like her. Left to ourselves, we are homely, torpid chunks of dirt. Our love is sterile, our lives sin pocked, our hearts cold and dusty. The beauty of God’s creation is blocked by the darkness of our presence. But bring any pitiful, inert soul into the brilliance of the Son Jesus and every contour of their heart becomes magnetic attractiveness. What might have been an ungainly flaw is changed to an irresistible beauty mark. Personality traits and talents reflect God’s truth and glory deep into the universe. Creatures from all realms observe our quiet confidence, lack of self-centeredness, and joy amidst trials and it cuts into disenchantment like a sunbeam into a cave.
Mirrors are made up of layers. It is only the micro-thin silver film that does the reflecting and it is my micro-thin faith that reflects the magnificence of God Almighty. But, if I refuse to hold myself in the presence of Christ’s love, His glory will slip unnoticed into the darkness of space. How very, very humbling.
Prayer: Let Your glory oh God, shine from who I am.