Below is a chart I am working on to determine where I am on this grand adventure called the Christian journey. I’m sure some of the milestones are out of order, but it gives me a general sense of where I’ve been, and where I’ve got to go. Honestly, it is a bit overwhelming to see all the milestones ahead, however, my task for this year is to identify and pursue only the next milestone God wants me to work on.
I find that my old nature is hostile to moving forward on this journey. He wants to sit down, shove a thumb into my mouth and say, “It’s too hard, I can’t go any further.” But I have to remember, I don’t have to do this alone, it is God’s power at work in me. So I am going to be intentional, decisive and aggressive against my old nature.
What about you? Where are you now, and what is next? What specific actions are you taking this year to achieve the next milestone?
Milestone | Sub-parts | Notes |
| | |
Salvation | | |
| Believe in God & Jesus as his divine Son | Salvation begins here but must also result in a changed life where there is opportunity. Jhn 3:16, Rom 10:9 |
| Admit un-payable sin-debt | |
| Acknow-ledge Jesus as Savior and Lord | |
| | |
Baptism | | To be a milestone, the person must be old enough to choose baptism and comprehend its major symbolism. Mrk 16:16, 1 Pet 3:21 |
Prayer | | Eph 6:18 |
Bible Reading | | A new hunger for the truths found in the Bible. |
Holy Spirit | | An awareness of the presence and/or love from God's Spirit in the moment. 2 Cor 1:22 |
Church | | Commit to regular meetings with a body of believers such as a church or cell group. Heb 10:25 |
Spiritual Gifts | | Discover how God has gifted you to support his church body then exercise those gifts. 1 Cor 12:7-11 |
Victory Over Obvious Sins | | These are the easier outward sins such as swearing, chemical abuse, sex outside of marriage, and theft. Gal 5:19-21 |
Victory Over Secret Sins | | Worry, fantasizing, jealousy, greed, lust, laziness, etc. Luk 6:45 |
| Forgive all who sin against you | Mat 6:14, 15 |
| Stop gossiping | Speak only what will build up others. Jms 1:26, Eph 4:29 |
| Thought life | Develop skill at replacing worldly with thoughts of Jesus. Phil 4:8 |
| Lust & greed | Mat 5:27-30 |
| Worry | Mat 6:25 |
| False Religiosity | Jam 1:27, 1 Tim 1:5-7 |
| Laziness | 2 Thes 3:10-12 |
God's Provision | | Wait on the Lord and experience how he meets needs. 2 Cor 9:8 |
Daily Devotions | | Meet with God every day for prayer, Bible study & meditation. Luk 5:16 |
Tithe | | Regular giving of a percentage of income. 1 Cur 16:2, 2 Cor 9:6-13 |
Discernment | | Discern God's leading for specific life decisions. Acts 16:9, 10 |
Walk in the Spirit | | Learn to hear the Holy Spirit's direction as opposed to following rules by rote. Gal 5:25, Col 2:6-22 |
Compassion | | Learn to hate sin in yourself, but patiently love others who sin. Eph 4:2 |
Release From Habits, Hurts & Hang-ups | | Apply the substitutional death of Christ to specific past emotional injuries and sins. Sometimes requires counseling, deep repeated confession and even deliverance. Phil 3:13, 14 |
Pray in the Spirit | | Learn to listen to the Spirit's direction on how to pray. Eph 6:18, Rom 8:26 |
Transpar-ency & Accounta-bility | | Confess deepest secrets to trusted believers and live in full admission of sinfulness and weakness. Jms 5:16 |
Ministry Vocation | | Make your life purpose to expand the kingdom of God. This may be different from your occupation (paid job). Col 2:2, 3 |
Embrace Trials | | Seek God's lesson in trials before release from the suffering. Jms 1:2-4 |
Dwell in God's Presence | | Ability to spend long hours intertwined with God's love until nothing else satisfies. Psm 42:1-2 |
No Fear of Death | | Be as willing to continue on earth as in heaven. Phil 1:21-24 |