Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Rock

As it is written:

“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.” Rom. 9:33

My daughter Ashley and I set out to defeat Cathedral Peak in Yosemite. We camped at the base and started before daylight the next morning. As we roped up and donned our rock shoes, the granite tower seemed to lean over us and say, “So your back. You’d think the prior defeat was enough. Okay little people, bring it on.”

We climbed through the raw sun and howling wind. There was fear, trouble, tears, and elation. We made the top as the sun hung, by its butterscotch fingers, over the edge of the horizon. Then came the long walk down in the dark. We lost our way and bruised our feet trying to hike in thin rock-climbing shoes. This was 14 years ago, and still my toes suffer injury. Poor Ashley was stretched beyond teenage limits. Of my climbing adventures, Cathedral Peak represents my meanest tragedy and my greatest victory.

Now God puts another stone in my path: Jesus. The crucifixion of the King of the universe speaks of love so loudly it becomes a monolith in my path. There are only two choices for how I encounter this rock. I can lie down on the rock and embrace it; or I can try to run through it and be shattered. Every time I attempt to skirt around, I find myself right back on the path in front of it. It is a weird trick of film editing; whenever I sidestep, the film loops and I am back in front of the rock again. I am forced to choose: embrace or shatter.

How could transparent me ever hope to break-up solid Jesus? It is a ridiculous thought, so I chose to embrace the rock. I lie on it and feel its joy penetrate my being. Here is comfort, here is foundation, here is immovable promise. However, here also is my stone altar, and I find I am the sacrifice. The rock died for me, and now demands I die for him.

And so, this rock becomes my meanest tragedy and my greatest victory.

Prayer: Rock-solid Jesus, I choose to die and live with you.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Final Entry, #10 China

I could kick myself because I did not have my camera to photograph the final underground meetings. It was an amazing sight; so many black heads crammed together to hear God’s word. There is no shortage of on-fire Christians here. We don’t normally think of China as a Christian nation; however, the believers outnumber American Christians by about two to one.

On both Sunday morning and evening we preached to migrant worker churches. The first one was part of a network of 50 groups. Precious Chinese faces of all ages stuffed into the 20x20 foot room in the morning.

In the evening I counted 60 in the 10x25 house. Everything the family owned went up on a bamboo shelf at the back, and eight-inch high stools came out for the people to squat on. A row of believers at our feet left us almost no stage space. Bodies overflowed at the door and, when one more pushed in, the crowd staggered in mass and nearly toppled.

In the middle of the message, someone outside knocked on the plywood covering holes in the wall. Oh no, I thought, another bust? A sister slipped behind us to remove the plywood and fresh air rushed in. A welcome interruption.

The singing was awesome. These people redefine worship. In the morning I was able to get good videos because everybody was so engrossed in the Lord they did not know they were photographed.

I taught on ‘Normal Christianity.’ It is normal to feel your faith is insufficient, your trials are too big, and your sin is overwhelming. Those feelings produce the humility necessary to cling to Jesus. It went off pretty well, but after the closing prayer the translator took initiative and asked how many in the group were new believers. A large number raised their hands, so we all sat down again for sermon number two.

I went over the beautiful gospel message and baptism. Sometimes you can feel the power of the Spirit in a message. This was one of those times. Even with translation, the truth landed on both feet.

“If you understand what baptism means and you are ready to be unified to Jesus, stand up right now.”

It wasn’t the most graceful way to ask for a decision, but 15 stood to their feet; some quite enthusiastically. I invited them to my mansion in heaven and left while they organized baptisms.

So now I am in Seoul, Korea awaiting a flight to Seattle and processing the events of this trip. I picture the earnest faces pressing up toward God. I rejoice there will be so many from Asia to celebrate around our King’s throne when the new order begins.

I often functioned on half throttle. The Lord saw my inadequacy and stepped in time after time. So my big takeaway is gratitude for the faithfulness of the one I serve.

A secondary issue is with the desperate crowds that wanted me to pray over them. My response is to refuse. I remind them of their own authority to bring their requests to God.

My translator told me I upset people several times. He felt I was not compassionate enough. His assessment is right; I must be more loving. Still, I struggle with how to teach the priesthood of all believers. How do we end the cycle of dependency if we allow them to think we have a more direct line to God? It is an ongoing problem and I continue to seek better answers.

Sorry I cannot put videos or many pictures on the Internet because of security risks. The old pics are still at:

Thanks for joining me via prayer. It was a great tour.

I saw a tee shirt slogan I am making my own: When I die, I want my body used up for Jesus.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people.


Entry #9, China

--Sunday morning had a funny event. In the middle of my ser___, the house-c_____ doorbell rang. In the video monitor was the face of a uniformed policeman. The brothers snatched me into the bathroom. After 10 minutes, the all-clear was called. It was only a well-dressed security guard come to say one of our cars blocked the road.

--On Sunday night, I spoke to a rowdy, good-natured bunch of poor farm workers crammed into a Quonset hut. It was in the middle of 100 huts used to grow vegetables. This rounded shed was converted to a ch____. Clever disguise. But not clever enough; in the recent past the auth__ities broke up meetings twice.

Everywhere I travel, a reoccurring thought troubles me: Do they want mi__ionaries because they smell a revenue source? As we picked our way through the mud and hand-tractors waiting outside the Quonset ch____, the pas___ forced money into my hand. These children of G__ want the truth and nothing more; everything else, they insist on providing.

--It is Tuesday night and we are on the overnight train headed into the interior. I can’t recall when I had a day off; individual faces blur into groups; I have a cold burning my sin sinuses; the train delayed two hours; we got 4 hours of sleep in 20-minute chunks. I am tired of being stared at, of people cutting in front, and the spitting, belching, cigarette-smoke-in-your-face-cultural differences.

Yesterday, I had to remind myself, ‘It is not wrong, just different.’ As the waitress assigned to our table hovered about, she busied herself by picking her nose. On the bus, the couple next to me set their toddler down in the aisle so she could pee around our feet. It is not wrong, just different.

So now I am a tried, whining grump; a cracked vessel with all the Sp____ leaked out.

But here comes the miracle.

We are headed to another province to teac_ rural leaders and I know G__ will show up. I don’t know how, or when, but by some incredible wonder, he never fails. I always fail; he never does. So let’s see how he pulls this one off.

(For this entry, I did not construct the current situation to prove G__’s faithfulness. I need him. From experience, I expect he will step in; I hope he does.)

--It is now Friday night and my work in the interior is completed. After the train, we passed through hours of rice fields, canals, and grubby towns. The paved road turned to dirt, then to muddy tracks as we bounced toward a remote village. Twice the driver stopped, studied the ruts, shook his head, then floored the minivan through the mud-hole and barely out the other side.

The village was maybe 20 houses under trees and surrounded by acres of green wheat fields. Ducks, goats, and cows outnumbered people. In the center was a two-story cement building; not worth a second glance to my eyes, but a hub of eternal-life in the spiritual realm. This is where poor believers come to receive training for leadership of an underg____d network of 6,000. The network is a decentralized c____h of sorts. It functions under a common elders__p.

I was there to provide the first ou_s___ tra__ing since the 1990’s. Only one other mi_____ary helped them. Some traveled from distant cities and they all gathered at my feet and took notes like I was some kind of alien genius. What a shame that after waiting 15 years, the only tea__er they got was tired, grumpy, dimwitted me.

With my translator, we tau__t four sessions a day and covered the supremacy of C_____, to avoid foolish controversies, to love G__ and not his miracles, the benefits of trails, and other such subjects. I tried to get across that if they hang on to J____, they don’t need the outside tea__ing, funding, or organization of the West. I don’t think they bought it.

The last session hit a wall. I was going on and on about the authority of the beli___r over dem__s and the 40 students were numb. Blah, blah, blah, blah… Several nodded off, the translator got confused, and I thought, I don’t want to be here. How can I get out of this?

I stopped, asked if there were any questions, and when there were none, sat down. The leader closed in pr__er, but as the meeting broke up, several crowded me with questions. The leader sent everyone back to their place on the floor and organized a proper Q&A period.

Somehow, someway, those questions brought out the succinct message. I said in 90 words what I had spent 90 minutes struggling against. It was easily translated and received with joy.

Isn’t it just like G__ to wait until the eleventh hour to pull off his intervention? I had given up; my mind was outside the room, and he found a way to get the critical teac_ing accomplished. I am awed by his grace.

While in the village, I had to move about with my head covered. A hat is not much of a disguise for a giraffe among rhinos (to switch continents for a moment), but the brothers were especially concerned with my blonde hair. On the first afternoon, I ignorantly went off on a walk and greeted incredulous farmers. The brothers sent out a search party and texted the translator’s cell phone for us to return asap. I have a lot to learn about the pressure they endure daily.

The women fed and doted over us. We ate in various houses, four times a day, with fruit and snacks pushed in between. At 6:30 am it is hard to face a full breakfast of seven spicy, fatty, salty dishes. But they got up at 4:00am to cook over wood stoves and replaced each slurp with more soup from the pot as we forced ourselves to honor their hospitality.

They heard I like bottled green tea and assumed all foreigners like milk. So each meal I was given two bottles of tea and/or imitation milk. One lady stripped her tree of cherries so we could have fruit on the ride home. We added them to the surplus of apples, mangos, tea, and milk.

I carried more food out of that village then I carried tea__ing in.

Belie___s in yet another province pressed me to postpone my flights and come help them. So far, I have declined, but it is hard. How do I say no to hundreds of hungry, forgotten followers of J____ that would be impacted for eternity? Who will go to them if I pass? I can only scratch the surface of the disci___ship and equipping needed here.

As I consider the requests, I must admit I am a carrier of the deadly virus of knowledgitis. The child-like followers in deep Chi__ have no immunity to this blight on faith. Knowledgeitis is the Western habit of craving unending information until it distracts us from application of the simple truths. Do I want to risk passing that disease on?

For now, I must leave when planned. Others will have to follow, or perhaps I can return on future trips. Boy, I’m glad I am not the Sav__r of the world. He has a big job.

Your friend in C_____,


Hope you can enjoy the pics at:

Entry #8, China

I am high from the meeting of last night. We got back after midnight but I was energized by what the Spi___ did.

It was Sunday and after p____hing into the afternoon, we caught a 30 minute nap then headed to smaller city (only 5 million) two hours away. I have pre__hed there twice before in past years.

In the lesson we asked ourselves 7 questions posed by the book of Jam__.

1. Do you seek more of Jes__ during trials?

2. Do you praise Go_ instead of people?

3. Do you accept others?

4. Do your good works come from your fai__?

5. Do you speak only positive of others?

6. Do you focus on the eternal over the temporal?

7. Do you pra_ for others?

Each questions was worth 3 points and we had a great time with the challenge. Afterward, two sisters came to inquire about bapt____ and two brothers came to commit themselves to a closer walk with the L___.

A wife brought her husband for pr____. She was elated that he made a new commitment. “His fai__ has not been what it should be,” she informed me.

The man was less enthusiastic, nevertheless, he said, “I learned so much tonight. I feel like a new man.”

What makes me so high in this work is we are meeting with cell groups of 20-40 hungry bele____s meeting in sec__t, and this is the tip of the iceberg. Thousands of similar groups also meet behind closed doors and pulled drapes. All simple in their fa___, but hungry for more of J____.

In the car on the way and back, 4 hours of driving, the leaders fired questions. Should we have an elder structure instead of the single pas___ model? What do we do when we have disagreements? What do you think of the gifts of the Sp____? Is it okay for members to move around between ch______? How do we determine Go_’s will? The translator was mumbling incoherently by the end.

The generosity is amazing. They provide meals, accommodations, AND give gifts of money for t__ching. Several ch____es and individuals also gave for the work in India. All this from those who shiver in their coats because they cannot afford heating in their meeting places.

Today is Tuesday and we had more training with about 20 pa____s and leaders. The venue was not soundproof and prevented wor____ singing. A leader announced a well-known hymn, counted down the beats, and led as all silently mouthed the words in unison. It was a hol_ time, but made for a funny video.

On Thursday I spent several hours with six leaders from a congregation of 200 but decentralized over seven locations. The Chi_ese are creative by necessity. Each had an area of responsibility; each had unique problems. The pas___ struggled because of low tithing; the youth pas___ could not get his students together because they work long hours in the fields; the teaching pas___, the ev_____list, and the p_____ coordinator shared similar issues.

On top of all that, each was under some kind of personal attack. The pas___’s wife was malicious, the ev___list’s daughter screamed and fought, the teacher’s family abandoned him. By Go_’s grace I was able to give each one advice and encouragement to keep on keeping on. P___ for the Gra_e Spring C_____. They are fighting the fight, but need some p_____s.

I will end this entry with a copy of the email I received from Rufus after he left Ch___ and arrived back in India:

Dear James,

Greetings. I am very thankful and it was such a great time and I have been touched. My heart breaks and I have become too emotional and could not eat anything until I came home. I was just p___ing and have felt the touch. I am very very grateful for this wonderful relationship. I have no words to express except to thank the alm____y. I would like to extend my love and greetings to all our friends. Please tell them that I have made a commitment with the L__d and its to uphold them every day. I am doing it ever since I have begun to travel back.

Thanking you and my wishes to Dani and all our friends,



PS No new pictures. Next time there should be some good ones, but I can’t talk about that yet.

China, Entry #7

Sorry there is not time to give a full report, but I wanted to say thanks for the p_______. The retreat finished well. Most everyone returned to the new venue and it was better because we were all rested and ready for more.

To those who wanted our meetings cut off, I join Joseph in saying:

Gen 50:20 NIV

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

The people here are so hungry for truth and passionate in their f___h. Absolutely beautiful. Of course the World Expo is in China right now, but I have no interest; We are experiencing something much more spectacular. Wait until you see the videos of wor____ I am bringing home. It is a joy to serve these children of G__.

Various meetings are planned for this weekend and next week. I need to be careful to schedule some rest and time for sp______l refreshment for myself. Your p_____s in that direction will be appreciated.

So much good going on, I’ll try to give you better reports later. For now, if you can, enjoy the pictures:

China, Entry #6

Thanks for the p_____’s. I had a cold at the retreat, but it only made for less of me and more of the S____.

On the hour and a half drive to the retreat, we discussed what we would say if the gov_______ busted us. We agreed total honesty was the best course; without divulging information not specifically requested.

Wow. It was a powerful time. G breathed into us and we nearly exploded. A highlight came after Rufus shared his min_____ in India and the Ch_____ p_____’s were moved to p___ for India. One rarely hears such interc_____. Tears, shouts, floods of pleas on behalf of their Asian neighbors. Several were ready to become miss_____ies to India. One asked for advice on learning English within one year so as to be ready. I saw a sister weep over Rufus and give him money to continue the work of G.

And that was only one of many great sessions. You see what I mean by wow? Three of us taught, Rufus, me, and a C___ese p_____ from California.

All 37 of us slept in a rented house at a lakeside resort area and met in a nearby Ch___ese style room above a garage. This became our ‘upper room.’

In the evening we enjoyed a favorite C___ese pastime called challenge. Someone is made to stand in front of the group and provide entertainment; a dance, song, joke, whatever. When they are finished, they chose the next victim. Most sang C_____ian songs; some formed conga-lines and pranced around the audience with Chi____ ballet moves. Rufus taught a song in Telugu that was the hit of the evening.

The second day, the owner of the upper room was questioned by gov_______ age____ about our group. The group decided it was best if Rufus and I stayed in our room that afternoon.

About 2pm, a brother came in panting, “The gov_______ has come into our meeting. They took pictures and forced five leaders to go to the station for intero______.”

He somehow slipped away to warn us and asked us to stay out of sight. A few hours latter, brother A knocked.

“We are all back now and fine. They separated us and asked many questions: who are the leaders, why are we meeting, what are we teaching?

“I told them we are here for a retreat. We all follow J____.”

The officer asked who was the teacher. I told him brother Chew is a C___ese Am____ian. The officer asked what he was teaching. I told him he taught on Mat____ 5, we are to live a ho__ life so we are the salt and light to others.

“He said, ‘Okay, enough, stop talking now.’ Then he asked, ‘Why do you suffer like this by meeting ill___ly? Why don’t you use the nice c_____ buildings the gov______ provides?’

“I told him, we want to hear teachers inspired to give the word of G___ and the official messages contr__ed by the gov_______ can not always do that for us.”

The cover of your p______ came into play when the leaders asked Rufus and me to stay out of the meeting. If we had been present, we surely would have been deported. Also, the office___ must have had reports we were involved; every eye in the town was on us since we arrived. However, the office___ did not ask about foreigners beyond Pas___ Chew. PTL.

In the end, the gov_______ said no foreigners could stay in the house, so the whole lot of us packed up and left a day early. To where, I should not say for now, but the C___ese C_____ians are like dough; the more they are squeezed, the more they ooze out to decentralized venues. And, they get more charged up for spreading the g____l of J____. Talk about passionate, whew.

So thanks for the p______. I am sure there will be more results to report.

As Rufus said, “There is joy in sacrificing for J____.”

A few more pics at:

Peace to you,


China, Entry #5

Rufus and I left India and met in China the next day via separate routes, but within one hour of each other. Everything is different. We have to learn the basics of a new language, method of eating, customs, surroundings, everything. We are settling in nicely. Back in India it is 44.7 (112 Fh), while it is a comfortable 18 (64 fh) in China. We feel like the red-hot iron a blacksmith quenches in water.

This is Rufus’ first time in China so he is photographing everything from the excessive landscape lights, to frogs slated for dinner. We are sharing the p_____ing and it is a fun to hear him compare Indian customs with our Chinese friends.

We have presented to three u________d groups and many are negotiating with Peter for a spot on the schedule. It is exciting to see God at work among c_______s that did not know of the existence of the others three years ago. C________s are hungry for G__’s word; they have 100 years of sheltering to catch up on. At least, that is how they feel. I have a different perspective.

I find Chinese b________s refreshing. They don’t dilute their f____h with the centuries of tradition, legalism, and intellectualism we have in the West. They have a passionate, child-like trust in J. C_____h buildings, human hierarchies, and wars over w______p styles never enter their consideration.

So what if they don’t follow the ecclesiastical calendar, have physical assets, or stop women from teaching; they love and obey J. I am learning more from them then they are from me. Sometimes they ask me embarrassing questions like, why do you have E_____r eggs and what is Halloween about?

When I get home with the videos, I think you will be convicted with me that when it comes to worship, I am a poser.

We have a core leader training session tonight, three c______s on Sunday, and the a three-day p_____s’ retreat for Monday to Wednesday. P__y we would get out of the way and let the S move in all of these times. G is busy here, but in a city of 11 million, there is a lot of work to do.

I hope you can get to the pictures. They tell much more of the story.
